Happiness. Don’t we all want to experience it? Sometimes you just find it. Or it finds you. I just found 100 minutes of it while running through the beautiful city of Amsterdam on a summer-turning-autumn evening.
As it turned out, the city was full of beautiful pictures. That didn’t help the constance of my training, because the pictures asked me to stop often and take some of them home.
Pondering whether I should share this, I thought of two quotes.
Maybe I shouldn’t share it:
There is something curiously boring about other people’s happiness ~ Aldous Huxley
But then maybe I should:
Happiness is only real when shared ~ Christopher McCandless (Into the wild)
The second one won. I hope some of the happiness finds its way to you.

Lights at the Weesperfeest – after some 50 min of running, everything starts to look a little gloomy.